The Mathematics of Baseball

This course uses baseball as a context for teaching important mathematical concepts.  During this class, students become co-managers of their very own Fantasy Baseball teams.  They learn to analyze player’s statistical data, draft players, make trades, arrange lineups, and play simulated baseball games.

Students will use fictional baseball cards to gather statistical data about Fantasy Baseball players.  They analyze the data on the cards in order to determine players’ offensive strengths and weaknesses.  Students then take the helm of their own team, drafting and trading players in order to complete a final Fantasy Baseball team. 

Once teams and rosters have been decided, students complete a more detailed analysis for each player.  This analysis provides the information needed to create individual player wheels- proportionally accurate geometric representations of player’s offensive statistics for a given year.  Students then use these player wheels to play simulated games against other teams in the classroom.  Through the class, player statistics are continually gathered, analyzed, compared, and displayed by the student managers.  A regular season schedule is created and carried out by the various teams. 

In this class, particular attention to given to multiple representations of data, fraction/decimal/percent equivalence, proportional reasoning, data analysis, and probability.  Throughout the class, students are expected to solve problems, develop and use reasoning skills, and communicate their mathematical understandings both orally and in writing.  Students will develop computational proficiency through exercises that have meaning and relevance.